The Benefits of Sealcoating your Driveway

It is recommended that you sealcoat your driveway every 2 years or so. Here are some of the benefits of sealcoating your driveway:

  • Protect your driveway from oil spills: Oil spills can occur from time to time and can penetrate the surface and cause damage. Sealcoating your driveway helps to protect your driveway from oil spill damages. 
  • Saves you money: While sealcoating will cost you some money, it will help to reduce costs in the long run because it will help to prevent major damages to your driveway.
  • Reduces water damage: Sealcoating helps to reduce the rate at which water enters your asphalt driveway. This helps to reduce freeze-and-thaw cycles which in turn helps to prevent cracking and asphalt shifting.