Pothole Problems in Winter?
It’s winter, and you’re driving on your driveway or through your parking lot when suddenly there is a pothole in your way. Asphalt can be difficult to work with in cold weather, so potholes are often left unrepaired during winter months because asphalt becomes difficult to work with when temperatures drop, especially in the Western New York region. So what are your options for repairing potholes in the wintertime?
It’s true that asphalt can become too brittle when it gets cold. Normally a proper pothole patch uses hot asphalt that will bind to the surrounding material more effectively. However when temperatures drop below 40 degrees, working with hot asphalt becomes a serious challenge, preventing the asphalt from bending and binding properly. If you try to drive over asphalt that has not been heated and treated properly, the asphalt will crack and break down even more quickly than normal. Cold patch asphalt is one way of solving this problem because it’s not as brittle when it’s cold outside.
What is Cold Patch Asphalt?
Cold patch is asphalt that has been mixed together with water and stone shaper. The asphalt hardens without heating, and this asphalt is also more pliable when it’s cold. Cold asphalt can be used to patch potholes in the winter because it does not need heat to work. This means that if your asphalt is currently broken down, potholes will be able to be repaired without waiting for warmer weather or a more convenient time of day. You’ll only have to wait for asphalt to set before driving on it, but with cold patch asphalt that shouldn’t take longer than 20 minutes.
This is an excellent temporary solution for your pothole problems in winter. The lack of heat needed to make cold patch asphalt work means you won’t have to wait for warmer weather to get your asphalt fixed. This means you can fill potholes and patch asphalt today without having to worry about it falling apart later on in the winter!
Damaged Asphalt?
If your asphalt is currently broken down on your driveway or parking lot, cold patch asphalt will allow you to drive over potholes while they’re repaired and will provide a temporary smooth driving surface that should last until the end of the season. After you’ve repaired a pothole with a cold patch remember to call Baughman Magic Seal to schedule a professional permanent pothole solution. With free estimates we can ensure that your asphalt repairs are performed as soon as the weather allows. Call us today at (716) 836 – 8880.