Residential Services

Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal
The Importance of Sealcoating Your Driveway
Despite being a highly durable material, over time asphalt weakens and becomes susceptible to damage from regular exposure to the elements, chemical spills such as oil and gas, and general wear and tear from foot and automobile traffic. Routine maintenance and a quality sealcoat can prevent damage, improve safety, and enhance your driveway’s overall appearance.

How Does An Asphalt Sealcoat Help?
Asphalt driveways start to fail when water penetrates the asphalt base. This happens when the driveway pavement surface oxidizes, causing the asphalt to dry and become brittle. Erosion of the top layer of fine particles follows, revealing larger stones and small cracks.
If left untreated, the driveway cracks will grow over time, eventually allowing water to penetrate to the base of the pavement. Water entering this base material settles and lead to further driveway cracking and an “alligator appearance.” Once pavement reaches this stage, removal and replacement is your only option.
Sealcoating seals the asphalt pavement, which prevents oxidation and top layer erosion. Driveway sealers replace the fine particles that have been lost on older asphalt driveways. The process also seals small fissures before they turn into large driveway cracks, and prevents water from seeping to the base material.
In addition, driveway sealers protect asphalt from the harmful effects of the sun and chemical spills such as oil and gasoline. The attractive black surface provided by driveway sealcoating is easily cleaned, and ideal for boosting your home’s curb appeal.
Finally, sealcoating costs pennies a square foot compared to the dollars needed to repair or replace damaged asphalt driveways.
Baughman Magic Seal: Free Residential Estimate
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The Baughman Magic Seal Process
We Clean:
A blower is used to remove loose debris from the driveway. We do not hose down the driveway.
Driveway Must Be Dry to apply sealer.
If you want to hose down your driveway you must do it the day before we come to sealcoat.
We Trim:
Weed wack grass on both sides so grass is not sealed in. We do not edge because water will seep under the driveway causing it to heave & crack.
We Treat Oil Spots:
We treat with polyoil seal. Customer can treat oil spots with ERA or Tide. Oil spots will come back to the surface with hot weather.
Our Mixture:
Coaltar Sealer, 30% Water, 1% Latex Additive, 3 lbs sand per gallon. Sand is used for traction and durability. It is not visible.